Automating Postgres Deployment with Docker Compose and Init Scripts

Introduction to Running PostgreSQL in a Docker Container using Docker Compose In this blog post, we will explore how to run PostgreSQL in a Docker container using Docker Compose. We will also break down and explain the script that is executed at startup to initialize the PostgreSQL tables. Running PostgreSQL in a Docker container provides several benefits, including ease of deployment, portability, and isolation. So let’s dive in and understand the process! ...

January 6, 2024 · 5 min · Tom

Setting up Wyoming Piper with Docker Compose

In previous posts I have been using Docker Compose to deploy the constituent components of a fully local Home Assistant voice assistant. In this blog post, we will guide you through setting up Wyoming Piper using Docker Compose. Piper is a fast, local neural text to speech system originally optimised for the Raspberry Pi 4. It supports many languages, and voice samples: Wyoming Piper is a speech recognition and natural language understanding system that can be used for voice control in various applications. It uses the Rhasspy framework and provides support for different languages and voices. ...

May 16, 2023 · 3 min · Tom C

How to Use a Docker Compose File for Wyoming Whisper

In this blog post, we will go over how to use a Docker Compose file to deploy and configure Wyoming Whisper. Wyoming Whisper is an open-source, lightweight voice assistant designed to run on a Raspberry Pi or other low-powered device. The impetus for this compose defined container is to intergate with a Home Assistant 2023.5 container and ultimate have a fully local voice assistant. Whisper will provide our speech-to-text service and the Wyoming protocol is how it will be integrated with Home Assistant. ...

May 11, 2023 · 3 min · Tom C

Homeassistant Enable MagicDNS and HTTPS Certificates in Tailscale

Tailscale is a virtual private network (VPN) service that allows secure remote access to resources across different networks. It offers a feature called MagicDNS that enables you to access your resources using a domain name instead of an IP address. Additionally, you can use HTTPS certificates to encrypt traffic between clients and servers, ensuring secure communication. In this tutorial, we’ll explain how to enable MagicDNS and HTTPS certificates in Tailscale and how to add a TLS certificate to Home Assistant using Tailscale. The most practical benifit for using Home Assistant within a Tailscale network is that it removes the requirement for network port forwarding and exposing services publicly, whilst still allowing your devices to access it from outside your local network. This blog post aims to give you the starting stes required to setup MagicDNS and HTTPS certificates in Tailscale, create a certificate on your home server and install that certificate in a Home Assistant docker container. ...

May 10, 2023 · 3 min · Tom C

Passing Through an NVMe Drive to an ESXi Virtual Machine

ESXi is a powerful hypervisor that allows for the virtualization of multiple operating systems on a single physical machine. However, there are times when you may need to pass through a physical device, such as an NVMe drive, to a virtual machine. In this blog post, we will explore the steps required to pass through an NVMe drive to an ESXi virtual machine. Prerequisites Before proceeding, ensure that you have the following: ...

May 4, 2023 · 3 min · Tom C

Running Uptime Kuma With Docker Compose

Introduction Uptime-Kuma is an open-source, self-hosted website monitoring tool. It can check the uptime and response time of websites, APIs, and other services at regular intervals and alert you if any of them go down. Uptime-Kuma can be installed on your own server and customized to suit your needs. In this article, we will explore how to set up and run Uptime-Kuma using Docker Compose. The Docker Compose File The following is the Docker Compose file for the Uptime-Kuma service: ...

May 1, 2023 · 2 min · Tom C

Welcome [Back]

A new beinging for this blog… The ExitCode0 blog is currently migrating. Welcome to the site, please hang tight for more content, coming soon. This site should now be in hosted on GitHub pages!

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · Tom C

How to force the Windows 11 upgrade

Windows 11 became available on the 5th October 2021 and for those people with compatible machines, this guide will help you jump the queue and force the Windows 11 upgrade. Before you start… Take a backup all all important data onto an external storage device/location. set aside at least 1 hour for the upgrade – maybe longer, depending on your internet connection speed. Make sure that your Windows 10 installation is up to date with no pending updates. Compatibility You might have seen a number of articles and news stories floating around about Windows 11 dropping support for a large number of computers, particularly older systems. The quickest way to test your system’s compatibility with Windows 11 is using the Microsoft WindowsPCHealthCheckSetup tool: ...

October 6, 2021 · 2 min · Tom

Turn off TPLink Smart plug LED

The HS100/HS110 LED can be bright and obnoxious. If you are looking to turn off the LED status lights on the TPLink Kasa smart plugs, then look no further – the solution resides in this post. It does involve some Python interaction, but I promise that it is a gentle passing with the programming language. This solution works for: HS100 HS103 HS105 HS110 The only real drawback is that when the LED is disabled, you can not see when the device might have become disconnected from the wireless network – this is normally indicated by a RED or orange LED status. ...

August 22, 2021 · 2 min · Tom

Customising the PowerShell prompt to show date and time

Depending on your reason for using the PowerShell prompt at it, it might be useful to include data such as timestamps in your recorded output, to enable better auditing. This post will walk you through the simple steps needed for customising the PowerShell prompt, including how to show the current date and time. What exactly do I mean by the PowerShell prompt and what does the typical prompt look like by default? Well let me dial it back to default and show you: ...

July 24, 2021 · 3 min · Tom