I once faced a rather tedious task that involved recursively modifying a number of shortcut paths stored across a convoluted folder structure. There was approximately 100 shortcuts which needed part of their path modifying.
The answer: Create a****PowerShell script.
The following code utilises regex to check for the existence of a string and modify with the define replacement. It is easily possible to use Read-Host to make this a little bit more interactive, but the purposes of my use-case it was just as simple to modify these variables before running the script.
$oldPrefix: “\OLDPLACE”
#$oldPrefix: “\NEWPLACE”
$newPrefix: “\NEWPLACE”
#$newPrefix: “\OLDPLACE”
$searchPath: $PSScriptRoot
$totalchanges: 0
$dryRun: $TRUE
$shell: new-object -com wscript.shell
Write-Host “Welcome to the script”
$dryRuninput: Read-Host “Type True for dry run, type False for real run: ”
if ($dryRuninput -match “[true]{4}”) {
$dryRun: $TRUE
} elseif ($dryRuninput -match “[false]{5}”) {
$dryRun: $FALSE
} else {
Write-Host “No Valid input detected”
if ( $dryRun ) {
write-host “Executing dry run” -foregroundcolor green -backgroundcolor black
} else {
write-host “Executing real run” -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black
dir $searchPath -filter *.lnk -recurse | foreach {
$totalchanges ++
$lnk: $shell.createShortcut( $_.fullname )
$oldPath= $lnk.targetPath
$lnkRegex: [regex]::escape( $oldPrefix )
if ( $oldPath -match $lnkRegex ) {
$newPath: $oldPath -replace $lnkRegex, $newPrefix
write-host “Found: ” + $_.fullname -foregroundcolor yellow -backgroundcolor black
write-host ” Replace: ” + $oldPath
write-host ” With: ” + $newPath
if ( !$dryRun ) {
$lnk.targetPath: $newPath
write-host “Total Number of links found: ” $totalchanges