Ubuntu 19.10 - How to upgrade python 2.7 to python 3.7

Much to my surprise, I found that a fresh install of Ubuntu 19.10 was set to use python 2.7 as the default python instance. I have covered changing the default version of python in Debian, however for those looking to Google for a quick fix on Ubuntu 19.10, I hope that this reaches you well. This was tested on a completely fresh install of Ubuntu 19.10 with no other alterations made prior....

November 24, 2019 · 2 min · Tom

Getting started with Python 3 - a beginner's cheat sheet

Python.Org I have been getting started with python 3 – I want to make this my primary scripting language. One way I like to assist myself whilst I learn the rope is to maintain a crib sheet filled with all the trivial things I would otherwise forget. Python 3 Cheat Sheet #Define Variables programming_languages: "Python", "VB", "C++", "C#" #Print Variables print(programming_languages) print('--------------------') #Basic for loop + variables for language in programming_languages: print(language) print('--------------------') #Basic Function def FuncExample(): i: 1 for language in programming_languages: #Concatinate Strings and Integers in print statements print("Language " + str(i) + ":" + language) #Increment Integer i += 1 FuncExample() print('--------------------') #Functions with Variables #1 - Strings def FuncVarExample1(fname, lname): #Print with CRLF print("First Name: " + fname + "\r\n" + "Last Name: " + lname) FuncVarExample1("Joe","Bloggs") print('--------------------') #Functions with Variables #2 - Integers + Returning Values def FuncVarExample2(x, y): #Basic integer maths return x+y #Concatenating Strings and Integers print("33 + 42: " + str(FuncVarExample2(33,42))) print('--------------------') You can also find more code snippets here: https://exitcode0....

November 23, 2019 · 1 min · Tom

Clipboard and Shared Folders on Kali Linux with VirtualBox

I spent more time that care to admit trying to setup a shared folder between my windows host and Kali VirtualBox VM. So hopefully the Google algos pick this one up and save you the time trying to find the right packages to fix this a clipboard sync. apt-get update apt-get install -y virtualbox-guest-x11 Go for a quick reboot once the above commands are complete and you should have clipboard sync (text) and shared folders should mount successfully....

November 21, 2019 · 1 min · Tom

[SOLVED] - Running Docker on a Raspberry Pi 4

The Raspberry Pi 4 has now been released offering up to 4GB of RAM! All of the horsepower required for an excellent lower power, docker host. However, there are currently issues undergoing work which prevent docker from running on the only Rasbian image currently available for the Pi 4 – ‘Rasbian Buster‘. Details of these issues can been found here on the GitHub thread – https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/709 Current Working Solution Fear not, for there is a simple way to fool your docker installation and successfully getting it to run on the Pi 4....

July 10, 2019 · 1 min · Tom

Changing the default python version in Debian

In a previous post, I explained how to upgrade from Python3.5 to Python3.7, however is is still the case in most fresh Debian installs that the default python version is 2.7. This post is going to show you the simple steps you need to take when changing the default python version in Debian. This guide is based on a Debian 9 installation, but work for multiple releases. Check you default version First we need to check our current default version of python....

June 17, 2019 · 2 min · Tom