Python 2.7 end-of-life - The time to upgrade is upon us

1st January 2020 marked the official end of python 2.7 development, including feature support and security fixes. Python 2.7 was over 9 years old in development years, making it the longest supported version to date. The code freeze is no in place, with the final release – 2.7.18 – scheduled for an April 2020 release. So yes there will be one more version to come down the tubes but it’s probably best that the new python project you were thinking of starting is written in 3.7 or above. ...

January 5, 2020 · 2 min · Tom

Kasa home automation with IFTTT and python webhooks

They say that the long tail page titles are best for SEO, well this one certainly should be up there with the best of them. In this post, I am going to explain how easy it is to control Kasa a HS100 / HS110 with IFTTT and python webhooks. Using this basic code, you expand into building a very powerful home automation system which fits your needs and take your Kasa home automation to the next level. ...

December 4, 2019 · 3 min · Tom

AWUS036AC (rtl8812au) driver setup in Kali Linux

I am planning a number of articles which focus on using aircrack-ng and hashcast to recover WPA wireless security passwords. However to get into that you need to have a specific wireless device which supports monitor mode and packet injection. I decided on the Alfa AWUS036AC, but some work was required to get the drivers installed. This guide is based on Kali Linux 2019.4 – but the drivers are certified for earlier versions of Kali and the kernel that 2019.4 uses. See updates below for getting this working on Kali 2020.4. ...

December 3, 2019 · 3 min · Tom

Kali Linux - How to upgrade python 2.7 to python 3.7

I have covered changing the default version of python in Debian, however for those looking to Google for a quick fix on Kali, I hope that this reaches you well. This was tested on a completely fresh install of Kali Linux with no other alterations made prior. The basic premise is to configure Kali to use python 3.7 at a higher priority to python 2.7 or any other version installed on the system. ...

November 26, 2019 · 2 min · Tom

Ubuntu 19.10 - How to upgrade python 2.7 to python 3.7

Much to my surprise, I found that a fresh install of Ubuntu 19.10 was set to use python 2.7 as the default python instance. I have covered changing the default version of python in Debian, however for those looking to Google for a quick fix on Ubuntu 19.10, I hope that this reaches you well. This was tested on a completely fresh install of Ubuntu 19.10 with no other alterations made prior. ...

November 24, 2019 · 2 min · Tom